A Complete Approach to SaaS Security Posture Management

SaaS is the new frontline: 81% of organizations have sensitive data exposed across hundreds of SaaS apps, making it a prime target for threat actors. Achieving compliance and hardening your SaaS posture requires visibility into your application inventory, plus context and insights to streamline remediation.

Obsidian Security’s SSPM Plus package delivers defense in depth for SaaS, removing every posture-related risk to your organization.

Download this white paper to learn:

  • How Obsidian enables security teams to quickly and confidently reduce excessive privileges, eliminate configuration drift, and achieve compliance.
  • Why SaaS inventory management is critical for reducing risk and how the Obsidian platform surfaces every app in your environment, including unfederated ones connected to core SaaS, to help govern, block, and build a security strategy for shadow SaaS.
  • About integration risk management and why good posture requires minimizing access and privilege risks by controlling integrations and eliminating unused ones.